Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Children Health Issues


Children do not come into life flawless: they are born with predispositions to various types of personality and illness, and we cannot protect them against their genes. One of the functions of childhood is to develop a healthy and resilient immune system which will provide a strong defence against ill-health for the rest of the person's life. One of the ways in which a child does this is by being exposed to and recovering from the various minor diseases of childhood. The best way to protect children against disease and to give them a healthy start to life is to bring them up on a good healthy varied diet and to give them as much love, fresh air and fun as possible, and as few preservatives and drugs. This chapter will offer suggestions about the treatment of whatever children's ailments do come your way.
Register with a homoeopathic practitioner so that you can discuss the finer points of your home treatment or join a local class teaching homoeopathic first aid. Look for details of these in your local library. Children are easy to treat because most of their symptoms are very clear, undisguised as yet by politeness or the habit of putting up with or understating problems. The emphasis within homoeopathy on symptoms which represent small deviations from the norm of the patient's behaviour makes it particularly suitable for use by mothers, who are always first to sense when a child is not well, often before any physical symptoms appear, precisely because there are subtle changes not always obvious to others.
It does not matter if the child cannot be precise about where it hurts or what they feel: you or the homoeopath will be able to sec the important general picture well enough to prescribe: temperature, emotional state, change in colour are all excellent indications, Most of the remedies useful in children's ailments are those mentioned over and over again in this book, and the principles for prescribing for them are the same. Children get over most of the afflictions of childhood without too much trouble, but it is often worrying to watch them do so, and using remedies can make their passage from illness back to health a lot smoother.
A small number of remedies can make a large difference to your capacity to deal with your children's health. If you can identify your child's basic remedy type, you will find that this remedy will help you in most of her illnesses, whatever the specific symptoms. In the rest of this chapter I shall be discussing in detail eight remedies which cover most of the complaints arising in childhood. If you have these on hand you will be able to help your child a great deal and may never need any other remedies except in very specific circumstances, in the case of accidents and injuries, for instance. The remedies are Aconite, Belladona, Chamomilla, Hepar sulph, Merc sol, Pulsatilla, Silica and Sulphur. These are all represented in the main Materia Medica, which should be consulted for fuller pictures. Here I have concentrated on the use of these remedies in illnesses commonly suffered by children. Naturally, if an adult finds herself in any of these states she can also use these remedies.


Aconite is a remedy for anything which comes on suddenly especially after exposure to cold dry weather or draughts or if the child has been frightened in any way. The child will be very hot, thirsty and restless, whatever the complaint. Give Aconite at the first sign that the child is coming down with something. If there is a fever it will come on quickly with a severe chill followed by a high temperature. The child will be intensely thirsty for cold water. She will also be hot, red in the face (sometimes pale; sometimes one cheek will be red, one pale). She will kick off the bedclothes. Anxiety and fear may be marked and she will be extremely restless, worse in the evening, in a warm room and lying on the left side.
It is a remedy for the first stages of anything: coughs, colds, sore throats, croup, earache, measles. Give it quickly, especially in croup: if it is given in time, no other remedy will be needed. The cough is violent, dry, loud and barking. (Steam also helps relieve the symptoms quickly.) Use Spongia if the croupy cough does not respond to Aconite within a couple of hours, or if the child's breathing is still harsh, hard and barking. Give Hepar sulph in the third stage of croup, when there is infection. In colds there will be frequent sneezing and a very painful burning throat.
It is wonderful for the kind of earache that comes on after being in a cold wind: there will be an intense throbbing burning tearing pain and it will be worse for noise and warmth. It may also be of use in teething where the general symptoms apply. In measles, give Aconite in the early stages before the rash conies out. There may be a catarrhal discharge from the nose and the eyes will be very sensitive to light.

by Rashid Javed

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Raise Emotionally Healthy Children

How to raise emotionally healthy children? How to make them strong, confident and intelligent enough to face the world? Read on for some useful parenting tips which provide answers to these questions...
An emotionally healthy person is the one who knows how to feel his emotions and express them in a healthy, positive manner. As parents are the first contact that a child has with this world, the emotional health of a person greatly depends upon how he was treated by his parents in his childhood. This also means that the onus of raising emotionally healthy and happy children lies to a large extent on the parents. Most of the parents though, might not be equipped to perform this job. Many children today are being raised by single parents, this makes the situation even worse. No wonder, cases of suicide, depression and broken relationships are so rampant in society today. That's why, it is the duty of all parents to gather as much information as they can, through books, Internet or any other resource, on how to raise emotionally healthy children. 
Love and Security
The most important thing to do, if you want your children to be emotionally healthy and sound, is to give them your unconditional love. Give the children time, be there for them, listen to whatever they have to share and answer all their questions with a smile, however insignificant and stupid you might think they are. Provide your child with a stable, secure, loving, caring and supporting home environment, where both the parents treat each other with love and respect. All these contribute immensely to the emotional well-being of children.

Know your child well. Find out where his interests lie, what are his abilities, likings, hobbies, way of thinking, feelings, etc. Then accordingly, behave and treat your child. Show respect for what he does and who he is. Do not judge him harshly under any circumstances, as he is still forming his views and opinions and is in an experimentation mode. So, give your child respect, and space to find who he is and in return you will get the same kind of respect from him.

Outdoor Sport Activities for Kids

Sports activities for kids are a great way to get them physically fit and to channel their energy in the right direction. In this following article, we will give you examples of some of the activities that you can use.
As kids, you and I never tagged anything as ‘sports’ or games, you know? It was all just a whole lot of fun and games. It didn’t matter if it was playing hopscotch or counting the number of rounds one could do with the hula hoop or the shooting of basketballs even. Today we tag it as sports and physical activities because there is the influx of video games, television and other factors that have lessened the importance of outdoor physical activity. All the more reason for one to bring in some outdoor sports activities for kids then. These sports activities will not only get the kids physically fit, but will also help them develop and hone their analytical and problem solving abilities, which, as we all know is the crux of all sports. In the following sections, we will give you examples of some of the best sports activities that you can start your kids on.

With childhood obesity on the rise, there is a growing concern among parents to prevent the same from happening to their kids. In that direction, here are some of the best activities that you can introduce into your kids' routines.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wonderful to Take Care of Children

Sometimes we are as parents do not realize or less understand about child psychology, we often require our children to always act and compel our children to do everything correctly, am i right,  for example, we often scold our children when they where  eat and mess any where, we too often scold our children when our they are always a mess  their toys and do not want to fix it again.

When our son was only 5 years or less and more demands that we want from our children to always do it right. as parents are supposed to know that our new children aged 5 years or less is not possible to do everything perfectly as do adults, because for children it like it is normal for them, even if they do the job perfectly as adults we think we have to feel weird, or maybe the child was a child genius, but things like that are very rare in this world although there but maybe just a little.

If we realize it is actually all about our children both naughty that always make us trouble, too funny behavior that makes us smile is a beautiful thing that will always remember every day by day that will come after our children become an adults.

For while that it  the description that I can tell, may have use for any one who read it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hemangioma is a type of tumor that usually occurs in infants from age 0 to 5 years but there also occur in children who are aged 11 years.

These tumors can occur in all parts of the body of a child, at first usually only seen a small red dot with a diameter of about 0.1 millimeters and usually continue to grow over time along with the development of the child.

The doctor said the tumor is usually not dangerous and usually these tumors will disappear by itself after the child turns around 5 years. however there are also cases of hemangioma tumors are not lost and instead continue to grow in red with a wide range of shapes can and can occur anywhere in the body.

So just comment on this hemangioma hopefully be useful for those who read it. I write this description based on the experience I have ever experienced happened to my child. when there is the wrong word in this description I apologize and hopefully someone can fix steeled and fix it, thanks.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Our Children

Hello all parents, I hope we are all now in good health and happy with family, especial with our children.

As we all know that the child is a most beautiful gift for a family, due to the presence of children in families will increase the happiness and warmth in a family with our children. 

As parents we would be very happy if our children are always in a healthy state and that's what would have been expected by all parents,am i right.

In fact, sometimes our children are not always in good health, as happened to my child, when one day there were red spots on my child's right cheek and the doctor stated that it was a hemangioma or benign tumors.

As a layman, of course, hear the word tumor is very surprising, let alone happen to our children that we are loved, after further medical examinations to conclusion that, if following the tumor  must be remove by medical operation, and with a heavy heart and with feeling very worried we have to give up child us for the medical operation, since that time our son about 1 year old. Our son is now three years old and gratitude to the god now our children are healthy, what about your children. I hope this does not happen to all of you children.