Sunday, October 30, 2011

Raise Emotionally Healthy Children

How to raise emotionally healthy children? How to make them strong, confident and intelligent enough to face the world? Read on for some useful parenting tips which provide answers to these questions...
An emotionally healthy person is the one who knows how to feel his emotions and express them in a healthy, positive manner. As parents are the first contact that a child has with this world, the emotional health of a person greatly depends upon how he was treated by his parents in his childhood. This also means that the onus of raising emotionally healthy and happy children lies to a large extent on the parents. Most of the parents though, might not be equipped to perform this job. Many children today are being raised by single parents, this makes the situation even worse. No wonder, cases of suicide, depression and broken relationships are so rampant in society today. That's why, it is the duty of all parents to gather as much information as they can, through books, Internet or any other resource, on how to raise emotionally healthy children. 
Love and Security
The most important thing to do, if you want your children to be emotionally healthy and sound, is to give them your unconditional love. Give the children time, be there for them, listen to whatever they have to share and answer all their questions with a smile, however insignificant and stupid you might think they are. Provide your child with a stable, secure, loving, caring and supporting home environment, where both the parents treat each other with love and respect. All these contribute immensely to the emotional well-being of children.

Know your child well. Find out where his interests lie, what are his abilities, likings, hobbies, way of thinking, feelings, etc. Then accordingly, behave and treat your child. Show respect for what he does and who he is. Do not judge him harshly under any circumstances, as he is still forming his views and opinions and is in an experimentation mode. So, give your child respect, and space to find who he is and in return you will get the same kind of respect from him.

Outdoor Sport Activities for Kids

Sports activities for kids are a great way to get them physically fit and to channel their energy in the right direction. In this following article, we will give you examples of some of the activities that you can use.
As kids, you and I never tagged anything as ‘sports’ or games, you know? It was all just a whole lot of fun and games. It didn’t matter if it was playing hopscotch or counting the number of rounds one could do with the hula hoop or the shooting of basketballs even. Today we tag it as sports and physical activities because there is the influx of video games, television and other factors that have lessened the importance of outdoor physical activity. All the more reason for one to bring in some outdoor sports activities for kids then. These sports activities will not only get the kids physically fit, but will also help them develop and hone their analytical and problem solving abilities, which, as we all know is the crux of all sports. In the following sections, we will give you examples of some of the best sports activities that you can start your kids on.

With childhood obesity on the rise, there is a growing concern among parents to prevent the same from happening to their kids. In that direction, here are some of the best activities that you can introduce into your kids' routines.